It's means, that you don't have to change pregnancy duration at each pregnancy start. Now it saves pregnancy duration, changed by you, to each sim. Pregnancy duration - this option allows you to control pregnancy duration in in-game days.Third Trimester - will be set Third Trimester of the pregnancy - fastest pregnancy time, about ¼ of possible time.Second Trimester - will be set Second Trimester of the pregnancy - faster pregnancy time, about 2/4 of possible time.First Trimester - will be set First Trimester of the pregnancy - longest pregnancy time, about ¾ of possible time.Begin Labor - will start Labor - let the baby go out!.Miscarriage risk - allows you to choose miscarriage risk chance, in percents.About - Shows mod version - it will show version of Pregnancy Mega Mod, installed on your PC.Pause pregnancy for all sims in the game.Change MONOZYGOTIC OFFSPRING CHANCE For Sim - option, that allow to change percent of chance, that your multiplets children will be identical.ArtUrlWWW Pregnancy Mega Mod also provides you Same Sex pregnancy and Teen Woohoo functional functional! Your same-sex couples will be able to do Woohoo and they also will be able to have children! Toilet Take pregnancy tet option is also available to use for same-sex couples.ArtUrlWWW Pregnancy Mega Mod provides you Teen pregnancy and Teen Woohoo functional and a lot of Teens functional! Your teens will be able to have woohoo and Try for baby on:.It also provides extends pregnancy functional up to Quadruplets, Quintuplets and Sextuplets !.